
As specialists in financial planning for members of the Bar, over time a number of points have become clear:

  • Barristers are very dedicated to their work, but as a result often lack the time to ensure they are taking care of their personal financial position as fully and effectively as possible.
  • Working with an adviser to put in place a financial plan improves financial well-being and in turn reduces stress, giving them more time to focus on both their professional and personal lives.
  • Barristers’ needs are more specialist and understanding this can help facilitate the financial planning process and build strong, trusted working relationships between adviser and client.

At Westgate, we have therefore sought to put together a selection of services that Chambers can access, as outlined below, in order to assist in providing support to their members and employees and address the above points. 

There is no obligation for Chambers who choose to access the services Westgate is offering below.

We offer no obligation reviews, and should an individual member choose to work with us, we will put together and run through with them a recommendation and bespoke illustration which outlines all charges.

As Westgate works closely with the Bar Council and HerBar, we provide discounted charges to members of the Bar, from our standard charges.

A member of our team will be more than happy to have a no obligation meeting to discuss how we may be able to help you further and put together a bespoke programme to suit your Chamber’s needs. 

If this is something you would like to obtain further information on, or look to put in place at your set, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Pupils/New Tenants – the Basics of Financial Planning Seminar 

We understand that the start of a career at the Bar is a very busy time for pupils and newly appointed tenants. However, it also provides the ideal time for them to address their financial planning needs, so that they are established early on and can have peace of mind that their financial interests are being looked after both during their time at the Bar and beyond. 

We can provide an introductory session with your pupils and newly appointed tenants to provide them with the basic understanding of the key financial planning needs they should address at this stage and answer any questions they may have, to ensure they are on the right course from the start.

Alongside our introductory support we have a companion guide ‘Financial Planning: The Essentials for Pupils and New Tenants’ which outlines the key financial planning steps more junior members should look to take when establishing themselves at the Bar. If you would like a complimentary print or PDF copy for your members, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


1-to-1 Drop-In Clinics

As your members are so busy, we can provide either face-to-face informational drop-in clinics in Chambers, whereby your members can speak to a member of our team with any questions or concerns they may have or financial needs they would like to look to address. Alternatively, or in addition to this, we can set up an online day of meeting slots, that can be pre-booked by your members who are working remotely for this same purpose. 


Market updates or Discussion on Specific Financial Topic

With the regularity of changes in the financial world that are being experienced both nationally and globally, we are happy to host a coffee morning either at one of our offices local to Chambers, or in Chambers, whereby a member of our team can provide you with an update on the financial markets and answer any questions on this. 

Alternatively, if there is a specific financial topic that members express concern or an interest in, for example, the Mortgage Market, Tax Year-End, Pensions, or Income Protection needs we can also provide a bespoke, focused discussion around this.

If you would like to receive our complimentary quarterly magazine ‘The Investor’ which discusses latest financial topics and key financial planning considerations or our Tax-Year End Guide and Checklist, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can add your set to our mailing list.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.